Though based on a love story, Bollywood film maker, Ram Gopal Varma’s Not a Love Story is a crime thriller. The film is based on the real life incident of Neeraj Grover’s murder by Kannada actress, Maria Susairaj and her paramour Emile Jerom
StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-Jul 08, 2011 – Ram Gopal Varma’s ‘Not a Love Story’, is based on the real life gruesome murder of Neeraj Grover. The film has Mahie Gill (Maria Susairaj), Deepak Dobriyal(Emile Jerome) and Ajay Gehi (Neeraj Grover) in the lead roles.The first look of the film is out with the film’s poster being released recently. The film is a crime thriller and is a gory account of the ghastly murder.
Says Deepak Dobriyal who plays a possessive and aggressive lover in the film and kills the other male character in the film, "Instead of calling it based on the murder, it's better that we say it was inspired by it. A lot of incidents happen around you and you tend to use aspects of them in a film. But it's not based on that incident; there are a lot of changes.”
Neeraj Grover was murdered in 2008 and it led to the arrest of Kannada actress Maria Susairaj and her boyfriend Emile Jerome Mathew. According to reports, Grover was stabbed and then cut in 300 pieces. Maria was sentenced to three years in jail for destroying evidence in the Grover murder case and since she had already served more than three years as an undertrial, she was ordered to be released once she had paid the compensation amount of Rs.50,000 to the victim's family. Her co-accused and fiance, ex-naval officer Mathew, was sentenced to 10 years' jail term after the court found him 'guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to murder'.
Another high point of the film is going to be the inclusion of the ‘Rangeela’
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